Wikileaks dumped all its files online. There's one file with the name 'India Shoddy Journalism 2008, focused on the reporting of Barkha Dutt during the 26/11 Mumbai attack and Kargil War. In the report, Wikileaks has criticized the controversial journalist Barkha Dutt (was then with NDTV) for her unethical reporting Here's what Wikileaks has written: Appalling journalism. Absolute blasphemy! As I watch the news from home, I am dumbfounded to see Barkha Dutt of NDTV break every rule of ethical journalism in reporting the Mumbai mayhem ID. Take a couple of instances for example: In one instance she asks a husband about his wife being stuck, or held as a hostage. The poor guy adds in the end about where she was last hiding.
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